
The Chemistry Gallery was opened on the 9th of August 2004 on the second floor of the Noyori Materials Science Laboratory.
The gallery space has an orientation towards the future, inspired by discovery and creation.

The footprints of Doctor Ryoji Noyori

Doctor Noyori, who was previously the Research Center for Materials Science Director and is currently the Research Center for Materials Science Supervisor, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2001 for his work on chirally catalyzed hydrogenation reactions.
In the gallery you can retrace the footprints of Doctor Noyori as his career develops, and catch a glimpse of the determination, philosophy and enthusiasm that drives his research.

The footprints of Doctor Ryoji Noyori

Exhibition Space

This panel introduces and honors six renowned chemists whose discoveries have had significant impact on our daily lives.

The Footprints of Chemistry, Discovery and Creation

Take a look at the dynamic and symbolic developments in chemistry that set the direction for the future during the first half of the 19th Century.
Also on display is a real, operating research laboratory which can be observed through a glass wall from the gallery.

The Footprints of Chemistry, Discovery and Creation


Visitors can enjoy the lithograph, "Peace through Chemistry II" by Roy Lichtenstein.

Peace through Chemistry II by Roy Lichtenstein

Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays
Entrance fee
Nagoya University Research Center for Materials Science
TEL +81-52-789-5907